   D 79

    Doyle , Arthur Conan.
    The Lost World [Text] / Doyle A. C. - Kyiv : Zhannia, 2019. - 254 p. - (English Library). - ISBN 978-617-07-0671-3 : 157.47 грн.
Рубрики: Англійська література
   Художня література

   Наукові романи

   Фантастичні романи. Фентезі

Аннотация: The adventure scince-fiction novel "The Lost World" by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) which opens up the cycle of works about Professor Challenger has already long ago become a classic. Four daredevils set off to South America in search of the mysterious mountain plateau on which, on the persuasion of one of them, there still live dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Unusual trials, deadly perils, and the real test for stamina are ahead for the heroes of the book.

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