D 29

    The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters during the Struggle over Ratification [Text] / Ed., sel. the cont. headings and notes by Bernard Bailyn. - [New York : Literary Classics of the United States, Inc, 1993] - .
   Part. 1 : Debates in the Press and in Private Correspondence (September 17, 1787 - January 12, 1788). Debates in the State Ratifying Conventions (Pennsylvania, November 20 - December 15, 1787, Connecticut, January 3-9, 1788, Massachusetts, January 9 - February 7, 1788). - XXII,1214 p. - (The Library of America;Vol.62). - ISBN 0-940450-42-9(in bd.) : 133 грн.
ББК 67.3(7СПО)
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   Конституція США


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