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   D 79

    Doyle , Artur Conan.
    The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes : The Musgrave Ritual and Other Stories [Text] / Doyle, Arthur Conan. - Kyiv : Zhannia, 2018. - 206 p. - (English Library). - ISBN 978-617-07-0150-3 : 139 грн. 15 к.
Рубрики: Художня література
   Англійська література

   Детективні оповідання

Аннотация: Among the cases which Sherlock Holmes investigates in this collection are not only those ones in which the peccable nature of the criminals and human weak points are being revealed (“Silver Blaze”, “The Cardboard Box”, “The Stockbroker’s Clerk”, “The Gloria Scott”), but also the cases in which the solutions of them impel the detective’s clients to take humane decisions and commit noble deeds (“The Yellow Face”); in one of the stories, Holmes even tries to reveal the state secret of the Charles I and Charles II epochs (“The Musgrave Ritual”). In all these cases his logical thought, his attention to details, the knack of analysing remain worthy of amazement and enchant.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ДІМ
Свободных экз. нет
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   D 79

    Doyle, Arthur Conan.
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [Text] / Arthur Conan Doyle. - Kharkiv : Folio, 2021. - 188 p. - (Folio World's Classics). - ISBN 978-966-03-9266-3 : 65 грн.
Рубрики: Художня література
   Англійська література


   Детективні оповідання

Аннотация: The outstanding English writer, publicist and journalist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) wrote historical, adventure and fiction novels. But he entered world literature as the creator of the extraordinary detective Sherlock Holmes, for whom there are no hopeless cases.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ОК/ДІМ
Свободных экз. нет
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