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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-39 

    Fedulenkova, T. N.
    Derivational Tendencies in Communicative Phraseological Units / T.N. Fedulenkova // Вестник МГУ. Сер.19. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. - 2005. - №1. - С. 44-54.
ББК 81
Рубрики: Мовознавство

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   Q 73

    Quirk, Erin.
    Living Language English [Text] / Erin Quirk. - advanced ed. - New York : Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc., 2012. - 320 p. + 3 el. opt. audio discs ( КД-5164, КД-5165, КД-5166). - Прил. к одноим. кн. - ISBN 978-0-307-97234-7 : 189 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

   Посібник вправ с англійської мови

   Просунутий рівень вивчення англйської мови

Аннотация: English, Anvanced Edition is a unique multimedia program that is designed for speakers of any language. It takes you from a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package. At the core of English, Anvanced Edition is the Living Language Method™, based on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience. Our method teaches you the whole language, so you can express yourself, not just recite memorized words or scripts.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Riggio, Laura \ed.\ ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   W 26

    Warnasch, Christopher.
    Living Language English [Text] / Christopher Warnasch. - essential ed. - New York : Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc. , 2012. - 256 p. + 3 el. opt. audio discs ( КД-5158, КД-5159, КД-5160). - Прил. к одноим. кн. - ISBN 978-0-307-97233-0 : 189 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

   Посібник вправ з англійської мови

   Основний рівень вивчення англійської мови

Аннотация: English, Essential Edition is a unique multimedia introduction to English for speakers of any language. At the core of English, Essential Edition is the Living Language Method™, based on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience. Our method teaches you the whole language, so you can express yourself, not just recite memorized words or scripts.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Riggio, Laura \ed.\ ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   P 50

    Peterson Wilcox , Patricia.
    Developing Writing: Writing Skills Practice Book for EFL [Text] / Patricia Peterson Wilcox . - Beginning/Intermediate level. - Washington, DC : Office of English Language Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 2013. - 143 p. - 80 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

Аннотация: The goal of this book is to take the student from the mehanics of basic writing to the ability to contrust a simple paragraph. The vocabulary and the structures have been planned chapter by chapter, from simple to more complex and the lessons build on each other. For this reason, the student will probably benefit the most if they do the exercises in each chapter in oder they are presented. The same is true of the oder of the chapters: information presented early in the book will be helpful for writing tasks in the later chapters.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   L 83

    Living Language [notebook]. - New York : Living Language, an imrint of Random House, Inc., 2012. - ISBN 978-0-307-47901-3 : 189 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

   Блокноти. Зошити

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   J 74

    Johnson, Kevin.
    Online Education for Dummies [Text] / Kevin Johnson. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2010. - 340 p. - ISBN 978-0-470-53620-9 : 439 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова


   Вищі навчальні заклади

Аннотация: From admission to graduation-your personal guide to studying online Online Education For Dummies explains the ins and outs of attending a virtual classroom, and provides you with the tools you need to hone your skills or obtain additional certification and degrees. This practical reference not only helps you get the most out of an online course, but also offers a wealth of advice to help you pick the one that matches your interests and needs. Identifies the software and hardware needed to study online Reveals how to get financial aid, transfer credits, and manage online time Explains how to locate legitimate online programs and avoid scams Whether you want to earn a degree or just increase your knowledge through an online course, Online Education For Dummies is the only guide you need.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Manning, Susan ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   T 67

    TOEFL iBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 Practice Tests: Book + CD + Online + Mobile [Text]. - New York : Kaplan Publishing, 2015. - 408 p. + two el. opt. discs ( КД-5191+КД-5192). - (Kaplan Test Prep). - ISBN 978-1-62523-341-7 : 1031 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова


   Навчальний посібник

   Вищі навчальні заклади

Аннотация: The TOEFL iBT tests your abilities in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Kaplan’s TOEFL iBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 Practice Tests presents the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on this test. The TOEFL is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad. Kaplan’s comprehensive guide gives you exactly what you will need to get ready for Test Day, including: * 4 full-length online practice tests with detailed answers and explanations * 450+ practice questions * Focused practice for each section of the test * 95+ minutes of audio for Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections included on CD and online, plus complete transcripts in the book * 12+ self-paced video lessons taught by Kaplan experts provide strategies for and insight into every section of the test * Exclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking * Effective study tips for all TOEFL test takers MASTER the test with expert strategies, realistic practice, and in-depth review. REINFORCE critical concepts with video tutorials. IMPROVE your performance with instant, online analysis and feedback. PREP ON THE GO with mobile study resources.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   O 33

    Official TOEFL IBT Tests [Text]. - in 2 vol. . - New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2016. - 462 p. + one el. opt. disc ( КД-5193). - ( Educational Testing Service). - ISBN 978-0-07-184896-1 : 839 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

   Стандартизоване тестування


   Вищі навчальні заклади

   Навчальний посібник

Аннотация: Five more authentic TOEFL iBT® tests in print and on DVD-ROM -- from ETS, the makers of the test! This book contains five actual retired TOEFL® test forms with authentic reading, listening, speaking, and writing questions. Each form includes an Answer Key, sample responses for Speaking and Writing questions, and complete audio scripts. The TOEFL® test is the most respected English-language proficiency exam accepted by colleges, universities, and agencies around the world. The accompanying DVD-ROM provides interactive, computer-delivered versions of all five tests, plus separate audio tracks for all listening sections for readers who are working with the print version. Includes: Over 300 real TOEFL® questions from the test makers Real TOEFL® essay-writing prompts Sample responses for Speaking and Writing questions Computerized, interactive tests on DVD-ROM For even more practice, look out for McGraw-Hill Education's Official TOEFL iBT Tests, Volume 1, which contains five additional real past TOEFL tests. About the Authors At Educational Testing Service (ETS; Princeton, NJ) we advance quality and equity in education for people worldwide by creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS serves individuals, educational institutions, and government agencies by providing customized solutions for teacher certification, English language learning, and elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education, and by conducting education research, analysis, and policy studies. Founded as a non-profit in 1947, ETS develops, administers, and scores more than 50 million tests annually―including the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests, the GRE® tests, and the Praxis® assessments―in more than 180 countries, at over 9,000 locations worldwide.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   M 37

    Master, Peter.
    English Grammar and Technical Writing [Text] / Peter Master. - Washington, DC : Office of English Language Programs of the United States Department of State, 2004. - 328 p. - 105 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова

   Граматика англійської мови


Аннотация: English Grammar and Technical Writing is a texbook for international students who are studying or have studied science, medicine, or technology. It is a throughly revised version of the 1986 text Science, Medicine, and Technology: English Grammar and Technical Writing. The text is designed to motivate ESOL students to learn English, appealing to the their sense or what they will need in theit professional lives be teaching the common forms of acientific writing and the grammar necessary to produce them. To derive full advantage from this book, students should therefore should therefore have knowledge of basic chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, etc. With such a backgroung, enev students with nonscientific or nontechnical majors can benefit from the text. The book is divided into six units representing six major theoretical patterns in technical writing. The last two, the abstract and the research report, are considerecd to be genres. Each unit focuses on both writing and grammar.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   Th 43

    Thurman, Susan.
    The only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need [Text] : a one-Stop Souce for Every Writing Assignment / Susan Thurman. - Avon : Adams Media, 2003. - 184 p. - ISBN 1-58062-855-9 : 171 грн.
Рубрики: Мовознавство
   Англійська мова


   Довідкові видання

Аннотация: The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need is the ideal resource for everyone who wants to produce writing that is clear, concise, and grammatically excellent. Whether you're creating perfect professional documents, spectacular school papers, or effective personal letters, you'll find this handbook indispensable. From word choice to punctuation to organization, English teacher Susan Thurman guides you through getting your thoughts on paper with polish. Using dozens of examples, The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need provides guidelines for: Understanding the parts of speech and elements of a sentence Avoiding the most common grammar and punctuation mistakes Using correct punctuating in every sentence Writing clearly and directly Approaching writing projects, whether big or small Easy to follow and authoritative, The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need provides all the necessary tools to make you successful with every type of written expression.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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