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Общее количество найденных документов : 506
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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      
   E 54

    Encyclopedia AMERICANA [Text] : [in 15 vol.]. - Danbury : Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc., [2004]. - 862 p. - (International edition). - ISBN 0-7172-0137-6 : 248 грн.
ББК 92
Рубрики: Енциклопедії американські
   Універсальні довідкові видання


Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   L 63

   Lewis, C. S.

    The Chronicles of Narnia. [Text] / C. S. Lewis. - New York : HarperTrophy. A Division of Harper Collins Publishers , 2002.
    Book 1 : The Magician's Nephew / ill. Pauline Baynes. - 2002. - 221 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-0-06-447110-7 : 134 грн.
Рубрики: Дитяча література

   Християнська література

   Англійська художня література

   Художній роман

   Фантастичні романи

Аннотация: Narnia . . . a land frozen in eternal winter . . . a country waiting to be set free Witness the creation of a magical land in The Magician's Nephew, the first title in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has captivated readers of all ages for over sixty years On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Aslan's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible. his ebook contains the complete text and art. Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full color on a full-color ebook device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices. This is a stand-alone novel, but if you want to journey back to Narnia, read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the second book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Baynes, Pauline \ill.\ ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   L 63

   Lewis, C. S.

    The Chronicles of Narnia [Text] / C. S. Lewis. - New York : HarperTrophy. A division of HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.
   Book 2 : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. - 2002. - 206 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-0-06-447104-6 : 134 грн.
Рубрики: Англійська художня література
   Фантастичні романи

   Дитяча художня література


   Художні романи

Аннотация: Four adventurous siblings—Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie—step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice.Open the door and enter a new world! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been captivating readers of all ages with a magical land and unforgettable characters for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone read, but if you would like to discover more about Narnia, pick up The Horse and His Boy, the third book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   O 92

    Оudovik , S. L.
    100 sites les plus remarquables [Образотворчий матеріал] : album de photos / Оudovik S. L. . - 3 ed., corrigee. - Kyїv : Vakler , 2012. - 160 p. : ill. - (Ukraine pittoresque). - ISBN 978-966543118-3 : 166.00 грн.
Рубрики: Країни


   Художні фотографії


Аннотация: У багато ілюстрованій книзі розвовідається про 100 кращих куточків України, їх історію та визначні пам'ятки архітектури та природи. Вони чудово ілюструють дивовижне розмаїття України та яскраво свідчать про її насичену історію від сивої давнини до сьогодення. Книга містить 326 ілюстраціі.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека

Доп.точки доступа:
Volkova , Anastasiya \пер.\; Witochynka, Zirka \пер. з рос. мов.\ ДІМ
Свободных экз. нет
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   D 53

    Dickens, Charles.
    A Christmas Carol in Prose, Bling a Chost Story of Christmas [Text] / Charles Dickens. - Kyiv : Znannia, 2018. - 175 p. - (English Library). - ISBN 978-617-07-0150-3 : 69 грн.
Рубрики: Художня література
   Англійська література


Аннотация: “A Christmas Carol in Prose” by Charles Dickens (1812—1870) is one of the best works in the world literature. Being a tale about the highest human values, it has a fairy-tale theme as it is easier to speak about serious things lending them a fairy-tale form. On the Christmas night, in the abode of the main hero there appear relentless and nonchalant spirits who help him to rethink all his life, to comprehend its grandeur and beauty. “A Christmas Carol” teaches us kind­ness and forewarns us against dirty tricks; inspires us with the faith that there are no hopeless situations in life.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека
Экземпляры всего: 1
ДІМ (1)
Свободны: ДІМ (1)
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   M 35

    Martin, George R.R..
    A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms [Text] / George R.R. Martin. - London : Harper Voyager, 2015. - 355 p. - ISBN 978-0-00-750767-2 : 763 грн.
Рубрики: Американська художня література

   Пригодницька художня література

   Епічне фентезі

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Gianni, Garry \ill.\ ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   П 50

    Поліщук, Раїса Петрівна.
    A Reason to Read = Це варто прочитати [Текст] : читанка для 6-8 кл. загальноосвіт. шк. / Раїса Петрівна Поліщук. - Львів : Світ, 2000. - 223 с. - ISBN 966-603-093-4 (в пер.) : 21 грн 40 к.
ББК 81.432.1-922-3
Рубрики: Англійська мова
   Книга для читання

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ДІМ
Свободных экз. нет
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   А 18

    ABC-Schülerin [Text] = Первоклассница : кн. для чтения на нем. яз. в VI кл. / сост. Е. А. Шварц. - Изд. 3-е. - Москва : УЧПЕДГИЗ, 1957. - 84 с. : ил. - 12 к.
РУБ 4И(нем)
Рубрики: Німецька мова
   Німецька література

   Книга для читання

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова

Доп.точки доступа:
Шварц, Е. А. \сост.\ ДІМ
Свободных экз. нет
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   K 48

    Kirn, Elaine.
    About the U.S.A [Text] / Elaine Kirn. - Washington, DC : Office of English Language Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 1989. - 127 p. - 96 грн.
Рубрики: Країнознавство США
   Життя населення та культура США

Аннотация: Can you understand, speak, read, and write basic English? Do you want to learn about the customs, government, and history of the states and cities of the United States of America in simplified English? Then this intermediate level of About the U.S.A. is the right book for you. The information in this book will help you to understand basic concepts and vocabulary in talking about your own country and city to other speakers of English. We hope that you enjoy working with this book. As you grow stronger in your use of English, you will be able to read and understand more that is written in English about other countries and share your own views and opinions in English.About the U.S.A. is an intermediate level book for individuals who have some level of proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the English language. The book is based on curriculum outlines developed by the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) and the Los Angeles County Community College Consortium for Amnesty (LACCCCA). The information in the program is derived largely from three texts issued by the federal government: United States History 1600-1987, U.S. Government Structure, and Citizenship Education and Naturalization Information (U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1987). Based on proven ESL/EFL methodology in language skills instruction (primarily listening, speaking, and reading), About the U.S.A. is designed for use in intermediate EFL/ESL courses as well as in general civics instruction in high schools and colleges. The history, government, and citizenship materials of the program are divided into nine numbered units, each subdivided into several lettered modules. The modules can be presented in the order in the book or they may easily be used in any desired order. We hope that you enjoy working with this book. Please allow ample opportunity for students to use their new knowledge to ask questions and try to articulate their own thoughts and ideas in English about their respective countries and cities or about the U.S.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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   A 19

    Activate: Games for Learning American English [Text] : teacher's manual. - Washington, D.C. : Office of English Language Programs Bureau of International and Cultural Affairs United States Department of State, 2013. - 110 p. + cards. - ISBN 978-1-624-25022-4 : 315 грн.
Рубрики: Освіта
   Анлійська мова

   Вивчення англійської мови за допомогою ігор

   Навчальний посібник

   Дидактичні ігри

Аннотация: Activate: Games for Learning American English is a collection of games for the language classroom. The games in Activate offer practice with vocabulary, grammatical patterns, and interaction skills in a learner-centered, low stress environment. The games provide opportunities to talk informally and to think creatively. Each chapter in this book is accompanied by a set of materials to allow you to immediately use the games presented in this book: Board Games: 11 ready-to-use game boards. Picture This Cards: 24 Picture This cards, each containing six thematically related pictures on one side and six corresponding questions for discussion on the opposite side. Guess What? Cards: 24 Guess What? cards, each side containing a topic followed by six related words. Each card contains topics at two levels: basic (+) and advanced (++). Word Bricks: 140 Word Bricks, a collection of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and articles. In addition to the collection of games included in Activate, you can also create your own materials to build your collection. In the final section of each chapter, the DIY! (Do-It-Yourself) section, you will find a short introduction to making your own games, followed by a description of the materials that you will need to do so. In addition, you will find step-by-step instructions for how to involve your students in the creation of an expanded collection of games.

Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова ЦМП
Свободных экз. нет
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