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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : И(Амер)/H 40
Автор(ы) : Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Заглавие : Tales and Sketches
Выходные данные : Б.м., [1982]
Колич.характеристики :1493 p.
Серия: The Library of America;Vol.2
ISBN, Цена 0-940450-03-8: 133 грн.
ГРНТИ : 17.82
УДК : И-821.111(73)-34
ББК : И(Амер)
Предметные рубрики: Художня література-- проза --США
Аннотация: This Library of America volume offers what no reader has ever been able to find—an authoritative edition of all the tales and sketches of Nathaniel Hawthorne in a single comprehensive volume. Everything is included from his three books of stories, Twice-told Tales (1837, revised 1851), Mosses from an Old Manse (1846, 1854), and The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-told Tales (1851), and from his two books of stories for children based on classical myths, A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys (1852) and Tanglewood Tales (1853)—along with sixteen stories not found in any of these volumes. The stories are arranged, as they never have been in any other edition, in the order of their periodical publication. Readers of Hawthorne will thereby get a unique sense of how he became one of the most powerful and experimental writers of American fiction. Here are many familiar but always surprising works like “Young Goodman Brown,” “Wakefield,” “The Birth-mark,” “The Artist of the Beautiful,” “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” and “Ethan Brand.” And here, too, are many others that deserve to be better known, like: • “Roger Malvin’s Burial,” a suspenseful story of guilt and parricide; • “The May-Pole of Merry Mount,” where the chances for human love are perilously suspended between the silken license of the revelers and the iron rectitude of the Puritans; • the masterly tale “My Kinsman, Major Molineux,” full of the pains and terrors of national and familial separations, the severing of the ties of blood and culture that united the colonies to England; • and the exquisite little story “The Wives of the Dead,” about the ambiguities of love and loss, in which, as so often in Hawthorne, the reader at the end is left in a kind of awe at the multiple possibilities of meaning. To read these stories is to understand anew why Hawthorne is a great artist and an astonishingly contemporary one.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 84(7СПО)/T 98
Автор(ы) : Twain, Mark
Заглавие : Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches @ Essays 1852-1890
Выходные данные : Б.м., [1992]
Колич.характеристики :XVIII,1076 p.
Серия: The Library of America;Vol.60
ISBN, Цена 0-940450-36-4: 133 грн.
ГРНТИ : 17.82
УДК : 821.111(73)-34
ББК : 84(7СПО)
Предметные рубрики: Художня література-- проза --США
Аннотация: “The sketches and stories are a national treasure. The Library of America ought to be commended for issuing them in an attractive edition.” — The Dallas Morning NewsThis Library of America book, with its companion volume, is the most comprehensive collection ever published of Mark Twain’s short writings — the incomparable stories, sketches, burlesques, hoaxes, tall tales, speeches, satires, and maxims of America’s greatest humorist. Arranged chronologically and containing many pieces restored to the form in which Twain intended them to appear, the volumes show with unprecedented clarity the literary evolution of Mark Twain over six decades of his career. The nearly two hundred separate items in this volume cover the years from 1852 to 1890. As a riverboat pilot, Confederate irregular, silver miner, frontier journalist, and publisher, Twain witnessed the tragicomic beginning of the Civil War in Missouri, the frenzied opening of the West, and the feverish corruption, avarice, and ambition of the Reconstruction era. He wrote about political bosses, jumping frogs, robber barons, cats, women’s suffrage, temperance, petrified men, the bicycle, the Franco-Prussian War, the telephone, the income tax, the insanity defense, injudicious swearing, and the advisability of political candidates preemptively telling the worst about themselves before others get around to it. Among the stories included here are “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog,” which won him instant fame when published in 1865, “Cannibalism in the Cars,” “The Invalid’s Story,” and the charming “A Cat’s Tale,” written for his daughters’ private amusement. This volume also presents several of his famous and successful speeches and toasts, such as “Woman—God Bless Her,” “The Babies,” and “Advice to Youth.” Such writings brought Twain immense success on the public lecture and banquet circuit, as did his controversial “Whittier Birthday Speech,” which portrayed Boston’s most revered men of letters as a band of desperadoes. “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand,” he once wrote. A master of deadpan hilarity, a storyteller who fashioned an exuberant style rooted in the idiom of his western origins, and an enemy of injustice who used scathing invective and subtle satire to expose the “humbug” of his time, Twain, like Franklin, Whitman, and Lincoln, helped shape the American language into a unique democratic idiom that was to be heard around the world. The publishing history of every story, sketch, and speech in this volume has been thoroughly researched, and in each instance the most authoritative text has been reproduced. This collection also includes an extensive chronology of Twain’s life, helpful notes on the people and events referred to in his works, and a guide to the texts.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 84(7СПО)/T 98
Автор(ы) : Twain Mark
Заглавие : Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches Essays 1891-1910
Выходные данные : Б.м., [1992]
Колич.характеристики :XIII,1050 p.
Серия: The Library of America;Vol.61
ISBN, Цена 0-940450-73-9: 133 грн.
ГРНТИ : 17.82
УДК : 821.111(73)-34
ББК : 84(7СПО)
Предметные рубрики: Художня література-- проза --США
Аннотация: “The sketches and stories are a national treasure. The Library of America ought to be commended for issuing them in an attractive edition.” — The Dallas Morning NewsThis Library of America book, with its companion volume, is the most comprehensive collection ever published of Mark Twain’s short writings — the incomparable stories, sketches, burlesques, hoaxes, tall tales, speeches, satires, and maxims of America’s greatest humorist. Arranged chronologically and containing many pieces restored to the form in which Twain intended them to appear, the volumes show with unprecedented clarity the literary evolution of Mark Twain over six decades of his career. The nearly two hundred separate items in this volume cover the years from 1852 to 1890. As a riverboat pilot, Confederate irregular, silver miner, frontier journalist, and publisher, Twain witnessed the tragicomic beginning of the Civil War in Missouri, the frenzied opening of the West, and the feverish corruption, avarice, and ambition of the Reconstruction era. He wrote about political bosses, jumping frogs, robber barons, cats, women’s suffrage, temperance, petrified men, the bicycle, the Franco-Prussian War, the telephone, the income tax, the insanity defense, injudicious swearing, and the advisability of political candidates preemptively telling the worst about themselves before others get around to it. Among the stories included here are “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog,” which won him instant fame when published in 1865, “Cannibalism in the Cars,” “The Invalid’s Story,” and the charming “A Cat’s Tale,” written for his daughters’ private amusement. This volume also presents several of his famous and successful speeches and toasts, such as “Woman—God Bless Her,” “The Babies,” and “Advice to Youth.” Such writings brought Twain immense success on the public lecture and banquet circuit, as did his controversial “Whittier Birthday Speech,” which portrayed Boston’s most revered men of letters as a band of desperadoes. “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand,” he once wrote. A master of deadpan hilarity, a storyteller who fashioned an exuberant style rooted in the idiom of his western origins, and an enemy of injustice who used scathing invective and subtle satire to expose the “humbug” of his time, Twain, like Franklin, Whitman, and Lincoln, helped shape the American language into a unique democratic idiom that was to be heard around the world. The publishing history of every story, sketch, and speech in this volume has been thoroughly researched, and in each instance the most authoritative text has been reproduced. This collection also includes an extensive chronology of Twain’s life, helpful notes on the people and events referred to in his works, and a guide to the texts. Louis J. Budd, volume editor, is emeritus professor of English at Duke University and the author of Our Mark Twain: The Making of His Public Personality.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4И(фр)/Г 18
Автор(ы) : Гамарра, П'єр
Заглавие : Казки : адапт. : кн. для читання фр. мовою для учнів VІІІ кл.
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1960
Колич.характеристики :37 с.: ил.
Серия: Бібліотека учня
Цена : 6 к.
Предметные рубрики: Французька література
Тексти адаптовані
Середня освіта
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4И(фр)/К 53
Автор(ы) : Laboulaye, Edouard
Заглавие : Книга для внеклассного чтения на французском языке для VIII кл.
Параллельн. заглавия :Contes
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1963
Колич.характеристики :84 с.: ил.
Цена : 13 к.
Предметные рубрики: Французька література
Середня освіта
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4и(фр)/П 88
Автор(ы) : Пурра, Анри
Заглавие : Скрабниця казок : кн. для читання фр. мовою для 8 кл.
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1963
Колич.характеристики :82 с.: іл.
Цена : 13 к.
Предметные рубрики: Французька мова
Книга для читання
Середня освіта
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4И(фр)/С 42
Заглавие : Сказки и фантастические новеллы
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1958
Колич.характеристики :72 с.
Цена : 18 к.
Предметные рубрики: Французька література
Тексти адаптовані
Вища освіта
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4И(фр)/Э 54
Автор(ы) : Эме, Марсель
Заглавие : Сказки кота Мурлыки : адапт. . -Изд. 2-е
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1963
Колич.характеристики :128 с.
Серия: Учебная серия для начального чтения
Цена : 28 к.
Предметные рубрики: Французька література
Книга для читання
Вища освіта
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 4И(анг)/К 47
Автор(ы) : Киплинг, Редьярд
Заглавие : Just so Stories
Параллельн. заглавия :Вот так сказки
Выходные данные : Б.м., 1972
Колич.характеристики :254 с.: ил.
Цена : (В пер.) : 78 к.
Предметные рубрики: Англійська література
Книга для читання
Тексти оригінальні
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 821.111(73)/M 29
Заглавие : Mary and Her Little Lamb . -first ed.
Выходные данные : Б.м., 2012
Колич.характеристики :10 p.: ill.
Цена : 28 грн.
УДК : 821.111(73)-34:741.5
Предметные рубрики: Американська художня література
Аннотация: The story of Mary and her little lamb as told by Mary and her neighbors and friends to which is added a critical analysis of the famous poem. Now put intyo print for the Old School-house which Mary attended which now stands near the Wayside Inn at Sudbury, MA and which was made famous by Longfellow's "Tale of a Wayside Inn".
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