Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : КД-5367
784/D 55
Автор(ы) : Dietrich, Marlene
Заглавие : Forever Gold
Выходные данные : Б.м., 2005
Колич.характеристики :1 compact disc digital audio
Цена : 20 грн.
УДК : 784.4(086.76)
Предметные рубрики: Пісні
Вокальні музичні жанри
Аннотация: This album is a somewhat random collection featuring 14 of Marlene Dietrich's well-known and less well-known songs, half in English, some in French, and a couple in German. If anything, this collection, one in a myriad of import Dietrich sets, brings to light the fact that an all-inclusive box set on the legendary singer/actress would be well-appreciated by the fans who purchase odd packages such as this. As always, her talk/singing evokes plenty of nostalgia, and the tunes are timeless, but all of these songs appear on other collections in the same or similar versions. Additionally, the brief liner notes seem to be somewhat misinformed, stating that she introduced the song "Lili Marlene" in The Blue Angel, when it is somewhat common knowledge that song she introduced in that film was "Falling in Love Again." Judging from the cover art, one would assume that the recordings on this disc were made during the time of Dietrich's famed 1950s concert shows, but they actually come from the 1930s and 1940s. For a less frustrating collection, try The Cosmopolitan Marlene Dietrch or MCA's Falling in Love Again.
Держатели документа:
Миколаївська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. О. Гмирьова